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Elixir Lunar


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Elixir Lunar

Beautiful Grandmother Moon, Friend, Sister, Guardian of the Memories of Knowledge.

You have guarded for Eons the Luminous and Blessed information of the Daughters of the Earth and the Mother. You have preserved their content for millennia to give us now the right link to access those files, whose content is the biggest help for the right Awakening of the Consciousness of the whole Humanity.

And as the Mother's sister, you will first sow your seeds of Truth and Light in all the Women of the Planet, and then we may fecundate them and give birth to the correct translation of that precious jewel of luminous and perfect information.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Grandmother Moon for that wonderful Elixir Lunar.You have been distilling your Silver Light drop by dropfor three years, and I could collect it for thirty-seven months in a row, storing all the old and new messages, all the Changes and all the harmonizing frequencies to help us understand and face our internal and external changes.

Thank you, Grandmother Moon,

            O Hei O!


Presentation: 15 ml bottle.

And at each Full Moon, one day before, during and one day after, here is the Lunar Calendar for 2024:

Calendario Lunar 2024


Discover also the New Zodiacal Elixirs.

Elixires Lunares del Zodiaco


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